
Sunday, September 9, 2012

T.V Show Review: Once Upon A Time

     Do you remember being a little kid and being told these amazing stories of good vs. evil? Such as Red Riding Hood has to be released from the wolf's stomach or where Snow White is poisoned by the Evil Queen but awakened by true loves kiss and the Queen is defeated? But what if the Evil Queen wants revenge and the story's not over? That's exactly what happens in ABC's Once Upon A Time. It begins at Snow White's wedding to Prince Charming where the evil queen swears her revenge on them. Later Snow White has a daughter and on the day of her birth the Queen puts a curse on the Enchanted Forest. But before that happens Prince Charming puts his daughter in a magic portal that sends her away where she won't be found.

 28 years later bail-bonds collector Emma Swan is approached by Henry, the son she gave up for adoption 10 years earlier, and he tells her that the town he lives in, Storybrooke, Maine, is under a curse and the residents are really fairy tale characters who have no memory of who they are. He also tells her she is the daughter of Snow White and Prince Charming and that she is the only one who can save them from the Evil Queen Regina. Though Emma won't believe Henry's stories at first, as the season progresses she begins to realize he may not be wrong.

     I really like how you get to see two different persona's for some of the characters. In every episodes story line, there's also a corresponding back story . For instance, if the episodes main story line is about Mary Margaret or something in particular that is happening, then the back story has something to do with Snow White or another characters relevance to her or whatever is happening. The fairy tale characters and their back stories are introduced in completely new way from how the stories are originally told. Like with Regina, she doesn't hate Snow White because she wants to be the fairest of them all, but because Snow White (as a child) finds out that Regina doesn't want to marry her father (the king) because she loves Daniel. Regina then tells young Snow she's gonna run away with Daniel but her mother can't know so she must keep it a secret. Cora, Regina's mother, tricks Snow into revealing Regina's plans, resulting in Cora killing Daniel so that her daughter will marry the king.

     I didn't like how the season would kind of drift away from the main story line here and there by adding insignificant characters. You would be introduced to a character in one episode but after that you wouldn't really see them again. So, I felt like that was kind of pointless. The season finale, like most shows, left off with a cliffhanger but it also answered a lot of questions that were hanging from past episodes. I really thought they did a nice job of ending the season on both a good and a bad note. You have the curse being lifted but the characters aren't sent back to the Enchanted Forest and just when you thought nothing else could happen, Mr. Gold/ Rumpelstiltskin brings magic back in a gust of purple fog. The entire season kept me interested in what was gonna happen next and how some things would be resolved. I really enjoyed how the first season played out and I can't wait for season 2 to premiere later this month. In fact it's one of my favorite shows on T.V right now and I would strongly recommend it.

Pros: The idea of fairy tale characters living in our world/ Redesigned fairy tale characters

Cons: Insignificant story lines/ Non-relevant characters/ Some of the acting

Final Verdict: 9.75/10


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